The amenities of the Village Hall are maintained on a voluntary basis and each event is “self-managed” by the Hirer. There is no resident caretaker, but every endeavour is made to ensure that all the facilities are available and working and that the Village Hall is in good order when you come to use it.

All of the information below, and more, is contained in our Information for Hirers Booklet

We will have sent you a four-digit Key Safe Access Code in order for you to get the keys (front door and windows) to the Village Hall from the Key Safe, which is on the right-hand side of the kitchen door of the Village Hall.


Please note that the security gate for Trumper’s Field and Dorney Village Hall (which is at the entrance in Meadow Way) is now locked at 2315hrs every night and unlocked at 0700hrs the following morning. Consequently, please ensure that all of your event and guest vehicles are outside these gates before 2315hrs. Pedestrian access, next to the gate, is possible if required.
• The lane leading up to the Village Hall is a public road and this must not be obstructed.
• The Village Hall car park will accommodate approx. 24 cars if they are parked sensibly.
• Any overflow may park on either side of the road approaching the Village Hall. This will accommodate approx. 50 cars.

• We hold a PRS (Performing Rights Society) Licence – this gives Hirers the right to play music in the Village Hall.

• We do not hold an alcohol licence. No alcohol (except bottled raffle prizes for fetes, bazaars etc.) may be bought, sold or consumed on any part of the premises.
• If you wish to provide alcoholic drinks, at no cost to your guests, you may do so as “Bring Your Own (BYO)” is not licensable under the Licensing Act 2003.
• You may not sell tickets of any kind that include the provision of alcohol.
• Alcohol is not to be provided to anyone less than 18 years of age.
• Persons under the age of 18 years may be provided with a soft or non-alcoholic drink but not a low alcohol drink.
• Alcohol is not to be provided to anyone who appears to be drunk.
• Drunk and disorderly behaviour must not be permitted and if someone refuses to leave when asked politely to do so warn him or her that they are committing a criminal offence.
• In the event that they refuse to leave when asked, call the police for assistance but for safety reasons do not attempt to remove them.

The Hirer, not being a person under 25 years of age, hereby accepts responsibility for being in charge of and on the premises at all times when the public are present and for ensuring that all Standard Conditions under this Agreement relating to management and supervision of the premises are met.
We do not allow teenage parties for those aged between13 and 21 for any occasion or celebration, under any circumstances.

• Our public liability insurance covers only the committee and trustees.
• Our Buildings and Contents insurance does not cover items brought into the Village Hall by Hirers.
• If your event is likely to cause injury (e.g. bouncy castle) we recommend you arrange your own insurance during your hire period.
• You are free to select your own insurer for your event. There are several specialist suppliers online and offline.
• One such specialist insurer is Events Insurance. We have no connection to them nor are we recommending them, we are simply providing the link to assist you.

• We do rely upon the goodwill of local residents, some of whom live close to the Village Hall.
• We ask all users of the Village Hall to limit any excessive noise and possible nuisance when entering, using or leaving the Village Hall particularly late at night and early in the morning.

• Please create a designated smoking area away from the building. All cigarette ends must be disposed of.

Hiring Period Start and End Times
• It is possible that the Village Hall is being used before or after your event. Please ensure that you have built into the hiring period sufficient time to prepare or clear the Village Hall before and after your event.

• The maximum capacity of the Village Hall is 100 people seated and 150 standing.

Fireworks and Lanterns
• These are not permitted. There are animals in fields close to the Village Hall, so Fireworks and Lantern launches are not permitted.

Explosives and flammable substances
You must ensure that:
• Highly flammable substances are not brought into, or used in any part of the premises.
• No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton wool) are erected without our consent.

• For health and safety reasons animals are not allowed inside the Village Hall. However, you must ensure that Guide dogs, Hearing dogs and assistance dog owners are allowed on the premises.
• If taking dogs onto the playground or playing field, we do request that you clear up after them. There is a suitable waste disposal bin next to the back gate of Dorney School.

• For heating the Main Hall, there is a push button pad and thermostat on the wall to the right of the stage. Press the button several times and you will have heat for 2 hours, but it will time out. Press it again for more time.
• It is the same system in the Annex/Meeting Room. When you leave the Village Hall, ensure the blue lights are off by pressing the buttons.
• The hot air heaters for the toilets are turned on and off in the Entrance Hall. The three switches are near the Entrance Hall switches.

• Telephone (None)
• WiFi (None)